Le prix eTwinning School pour le Collège Sacré-Cœur de Lamballe

Une grande nouvelle! Notre établissement, le collège Sacré-Cœur de Lamballe, a été récompensé du prestigieux label européen eTwinning School 2023-2024. Ceci est la reconnaissance de notre travail et de l’implication des membres de notre établissement ainsi que de nos élèves. Nous sommes fiers de faire partie de cette communauté inclusive et innovante.

L’annonce officielle a été faite sur la plateforme European School Education (plateforme de l’enseignement scolaire européen).

Mme Caremelle, professeur d’anglais, coordinatrice Erasmus et ambassadrice eTwinning.

Article reçu par l’agence européenne eTwinning :

Congratulations! The « Collège Sacré-Cœur de Lamballe » has been awarded with the eTwinning School Label 2023-2024. This is a great achievement by the eTwinning team in your school! The official announcement will be published on the European School Educational Platform shortly and on other eTwinning and European Commission’s news channels. What’s next :

You can proudly use the eTwinning School Label on your school’s website.

Shortly, your National Support Organisation will send you a package containing some eTwinning materials and of course the eTwinning School plaque.

You will be invited to participate in the eTwinning Schools group and in the various activities dedicated to eTwinning Schools.

Congratulations again for being an example for all the other schools : we count on your dedication and commitment to promote eTwinning and its values, which are represented by the eTwinning Schools’ mission (you can download the eTwinning Schools’ mission here).

The eTwinning Team.