Grace à Erasmus+ qui soutient financièrement une large gamme d’actions dans les domaines de l’enseignement et de la formation, il est donné la possibilité, à tout personnel de l’éducation, de séjourner à l’étranger pour renforcer ses compétences et découvrir d’autres façons de faire. Ce programme permet, entre autre, de partir en formation en Europe ou partout dans le monde.
Le dimanche 21 avril 2024, Mme Zhou Qian (professeur de Chinois) ainsi que Mme Marquer Nadège (accompagnante d’élèves en situation de handicap) travaillant toutes deux au Collège Sacre-Cœur de Lamballe, ont participé à un voyage Erasmus+ à Stockolm, en Suède, afin d’y observer, pendant cinq jours, les méthodes pédagogiques d’une école située dans la villa de Tyreso, à une vingtaine de kilomètres de Stockolm.

An extraordinary journey
Thanks to Erasmus+, which financially supports a wide range of actions in the fields of education and training, it is possible for all educational staff to stay abroad to enhance their skills and discover other ways of doing things. This program allows, among other things, to undergo training in Europe or anywhere in the world
Two women storming Stockholm
On Sunday, April 21, 2024, Mrs. Zhou Qian (Chinese teacher) and Mrs. Marquer Nadege (support staff for students with disabilities), both working at Sacre Coeur College in Lamballe, participated in an Erasmus+ trip to Stockholm, Sweden, to observe, for five days, the teaching methods of a school located in the Tyreso municipality, about twenty kilometers fromStockholm. Thus, they were warmly welcomed and integrated into classes with Swedish students ranging in age from 13 to 15 years old by teachers eager to share their expertise with them, while also showing them around the region, including the beautiful city of Stockholm with its famous Gamla Stan square and its beautifully colored houses. It was certainly a professional and personal enrichment for these two women, eager to open themselves to foreign countries.